Thursday 8 July 2021

How I created my initial Startup Team


How I created my initial Startup Team

Over the last two days I got to talk with students at both my high school and my college. In both cases, the students were all interested in potentially starting their own business someday, and my goodness did they have a lot of questions. One of my favourite topics that usually comes up is how to put together an initial team to actually work on the project!

Those of you who've involved with Deepiotics know that Bhawna, Rahul and I got together and worked on completely different ideas before ultimately coming up with the idea of bringing an AI start-up. We actually started back in 2003, but didn't launch anything until 2005. What this means, though, is that we decided that we liked working together and that we were a really strong team, so even if we started in on one project and decided we didn't like it, we stayed together and worked on the next one.

I tried to start a bunch of startups before Deepiotics...and they all, more or less, failed. A common factor, I think, was that I tried to do them myself...I didn't find other really great people to team up with. The reality, of course, is that any given person is only knowledgeable in a relatively narrow field. Sure, I can raise a round of funding, but I could never actually build Deepiotics.

In the core team, If you look at unique skills, you notice that they too are very complimentary to each other.

The team that you work with to do a startup is incredibly important. You really want to find people who are NOT like you...who have unique skills that compliment your weaknesses (me: attention to detail...not so good!). So make sure you branch out and find folks who compliment you, and perhaps above all, make sure you all really love working'll be spending many sleepless nights working together!


Wednesday 7 July 2021

Branding Advice

 Once Jeff Bezos said, “You brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.”

Amazon’s father realized the importance of brand in your business long time ago. And many entrepreneurs took this advice as a motto of their life🔥.

So, where should we start from? We’re going to share with you a few of our ideas below:

✅ Give a name to your business. You’d better create a short, simple, memorable and recognizable name. And what that brand name will convey to the audience and how it’ll describe your product.

✅ Create your blogs in all possible social networks and write about the product you sell. Additionally, try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes, what do they want or need beyond your Amazon store? For example, customer services, support and/or product tutorial videos.

✅ Use packaging that conveys your care to the customers. Give them a feeling they are receiving a present, not a product they bought.

✅ Optimize your product detail page. Creating compelling content for your product detail pages can boost sales and improve organic rankings.

✅Send a personalized follow-up message. It will show appreciation to your buyers, offer after-sales support, some tempting deals for people who have already bought something from you. People LOVE special attitude and DEALS😊

✅ Optimize your listing. By searching relative products, find the keywords that best describe yours. Incorporate your keywords into the headline, body, and image titles of your post–he more mentions, the easier it is for Google to pick up your post.

Hope these tips will help you create strong brand awareness and inspire you to look for the best strategy of developing that brand awareness🔥.

Dedication to Work: Tata Sumo

 Every day top executives of Tata Motors used to take lunch together but from some days, Sumant Moolgaokar used to take his car and go out during Lunch Hours and come back as soon as the Lunch Break was over.

There was a grapevine that he is offered lunch at a Five Star Hotel by some dealers of Tata.

One day when some executives followed him during Lunch Break, they were surprised to see that he stopped his car at one Highway Dhaba, ordered food for him and sat with the drivers of trucks who were eating food at that dhaba.

He discussed with them what was good and what was bad in a Tata Truck, jotted down and came back to his office.

He used to improve upon the experiences of drivers.
Such was Sumant Moolgaokar's zeal for improving the Tata Vehicles.
Tata Sumo is the biggest corporate tribute paid by any company to it's executive.

Su stands for Sumant and Mo stands for Moolgaokar in this brand name.

Sincere Tributes to Sumant Moolgaokar.
Remarkable of Sumant Moolgaonkar.
But more kudos to Tatas for appreciation and honour,they bestowed on him.
Didn't know this.

Always, thought Sumo is for those wrestlers.